Only division [ladder]

Round 1

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
1 June 2022 8:20 PM St Michael's Collegiate S2022DT002 Dominic College 1 St Michael's Collegiate 1 That we should implement a system of proportional representation in the federal House of Representatives
1 June 2022 8:20 PM St Michael's Collegiate S2022DT003 Taroona High School 1 The Friends' School 1 That we should implement a system of proportional representation in the federal House of Representatives
1 June 2022 8:20 PM St Michael's Collegiate S2022DT004 Clarence High School 2 Clarence High School 1 That we should implement a system of proportional representation in the federal House of Representatives
S2022DT025 The Friends' School 2 BYE BYE

Round 2

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
15 June 2022 8:20 PM MacKillop Catholic College S2022DT005 The Friends' School 1 Dominic College 1 Advised subject: Transport and development: building regulations
15 June 2022 8:20 PM MacKillop Catholic College S2022DT007 St Michael's Collegiate 1 The Friends' School 2 That we should remove the height limit for buildings in Hobart
15 June 2022 8:20 PM MacKillop Catholic College S2022DT008 Taroona High School 1 Clarence High School 1 That we should remove the height limit for buildings in Hobart
S2022DT026 BYE Clarence High School 2 BYE

Round 3

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
29 June 2022 8:20 PM Hobart City High School (New Town Campus) S2022DT009 The Friends' School 2 The Friends' School 1 That we should establish subject-specialised schools
29 June 2022 8:20 PM Hobart City High School (New Town Campus) S2022DT010 Clarence High School 2 Dominic College 1 Advised subject: Education: Tasmanian high schools
29 June 2022 8:20 PM Hobart City High School (New Town Campus) S2022DT012 Clarence High School 1 St Michael's Collegiate 1 Advised subject: Education: Tasmanian high schools
S2022DT027 Taroona High School 1 BYE BYE

Round 4

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
10 August 2022 8:20 PM Rose Bay High School S2022DT013 The Friends' School 1 Clarence High School 2 That we should ban political activism on social media
10 August 2022 8:20 PM Rose Bay High School S2022DT014 Taroona High School 1 The Friends' School 2 Advised subject: Pop culture: social media
10 August 2022 8:20 PM Rose Bay High School S2022DT015 Dominic College 1 St Michael's Collegiate 1 Advised subject: Pop culture: social media
S2022DT028 BYE Clarence High School 1 BYE

Round 5

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
24 August 2022 8:20 PM The Friends' School (Argyle Street Campus) S2022DT017 Clarence High School 1 The Friends' School 1 That we should pull the lever
24 August 2022 8:20 PM The Friends' School (Argyle Street Campus) S2022DT018 The Friends' School 2 Clarence High School 2 That we should pull the lever
24 August 2022 8:20 PM The Friends' School (Argyle Street Campus) S2022DT019 St Michael's Collegiate 1 Taroona High School 1 That we should pull the lever
S2022DT029 Dominic College 1 BYE BYE

Round 6

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
28 September 2022 8:20 PM The Hutchins School S2022DT021 The Friends' School 1 Clarence High School 2 Advised subject: International relations: global governance
28 September 2022 8:20 PM The Hutchins School S2022DT022 Clarence High School 1 The Friends' School 2 Advised subject: International relations: global governance
28 September 2022 8:20 PM The Hutchins School S2022DT024 Taroona High School 1 Dominic College 1 Advised subject: International relations: global governance
S2022DT030 BYE St Michael's Collegiate 1 BYE

Finals division

Semi finals

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
26 October 2022 6:30 PM Elizabeth College S2022DTSF1 Clarence High School 1 The Friends' School 1 That we should prioritise funding for new and original art over funding for established art forms and reproductions of existing work
26 October 2022 7:50 PM Elizabeth College S2022DTSF2 Clarence High School 2 Taroona High School 1 That the government should not fund museums and art galleries

Grand final

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
2 November 2022 7:40 PM Taroona High School S2022DTGF1 Taroona High School 1 The Friends' School 1 That we should overthrow governments which do not take action on climate change