4 August 2021 |
S2021DCSF2 |
That men should stay out of the feminist movement |
St Mary's College 1 | Hobart College 1
Southern Schools 2021 College Semi finals |
College |
-1 |
4 August 2021 |
S2021DTSF2 |
That broadcasters should be required to cover women's and men's sport equally |
Kingston High School 1 | The Friends' School 1
Southern Schools 2021 Grade Ten Semi finals |
Class 10 |
3 |
4 August 2021 |
S2021D8SF1 |
That students should be allowed to wear makeup to school |
Taroona High School 3 | The Hutchins School 1
Southern Schools 2021 Grade Eight Semi finals |
Class 8 |
4 |
17 March 2021 |
S2021DC003 |
That we should hold directors of companies making major contributions to climate change criminally liable |
St Mary's College 1 | The Friends' School 2
Southern Schools 2021 College Round 1 |
College |
3 |
17 March 2021 |
S2021DN047 |
That we should all be vegetarians |
Taroona High School 1 | Corpus Christi Catholic School 1
Southern Schools 2021 Novice Round 1 |
Novice |
3 |
17 March 2021 |
S2021DN002 |
That we should all be vegetarians |
Clarence High School 1 | St Aloysius Catholic College 1
Southern Schools 2021 Novice Round 1 |
Novice |
4 |
23 September 2020 |
S2020DTGF1 |
That all public housing should be built in high-income areas |
St Mary's College 1 | Independent Team 1
Southern Schools 2020 Grade Ten Grand final |
Class 10 |
3 |
23 September 2020 |
S2020D8GF1 |
That we should ban all further construction and development in wilderness areas |
The Friends' School 2 | The Friends' School 1
Southern Schools 2020 Grade Eight Grand final |
Class 8 |
4 |
23 September 2020 |
S2020DNGF1 |
That the Hobart CBD should be car-free |
St Michael's Collegiate 1 | The Hutchins School 1
Southern Schools 2020 Novice Grand final |
Novice |
3 |
16 September 2020 |
S2020D9SF1 |
That democracy is no longer the best form of government |
Ogilvie High School 1 | Independent Team 1
Southern Schools 2020 Grade Nine Semi finals |
Class 9 |
1 |
16 September 2020 |
S2020D8SF2 |
That local governments should have more power |
The Friends' School 2 | St Michael's Collegiate 1
Southern Schools 2020 Grade Eight Semi finals |
Class 8 |
-1 |
16 September 2020 |
S2020DNSF1 |
That the voting age should be lowered |
Dominic College 1 | The Hutchins School 1
Southern Schools 2020 Novice Semi finals |
Novice |
3 |
12 August 2020 |
S2020D9022 |
That creationism should be taught in science classes |
Clarence High School 1 | Ogilvie High School 1
Southern Schools 2020 Grade Nine Round 3 |
Class 9 |
10 |
12 August 2020 |
S2020D8025 |
That we would prefer to be immortal |
The Hutchins School 1 | Kingston High School 1
Southern Schools 2020 Grade Eight Round 3 |
Class 8 |
1 |
31 July 2019 |
S2019DCGF1 |
That Australia should distance itself from China |
Hobart College 1 | Elizabeth College 2
Southern Schools 2019 College Grand final |
College |
5 |
27 June 2018 |
S2018DNSF1 |
That children should not be able to purchase junk food |
St Michael's Collegiate 1 | Taroona High School 6
Southern Schools 2018 Novice Semi finals |
Novice |
1 |
13 June 2018 |
S2018DC037 |
That we should introduce the death penalty for perpetrators of crimes against humanity |
The Friends' School 1 | St Michael's Collegiate 3
Southern Schools 2018 College Round 6 |
College |
5 |
13 June 2018 |
S2018DN037 |
That we should replace soldiers with robots |
Calvin Christian School 1 | Taroona High School 5
Southern Schools 2018 Novice Round 6 |
Novice |
4 |
13 June 2018 |
S2018DN076 |
That we should replace soldiers with robots |
Calvin Christian School 2 | Taroona High School 4
Southern Schools 2018 Novice Round 6 |
Novice |
1 |
6 June 2018 |
S2018D9046 |
That we should assassinate leaders of terrorist organisations |
Taroona High School 2 | New Town High School 2
Southern Schools 2018 Grade Nine Round 6 |
Class 9 |
2 |
14 March 2018 |
S2018DT005 |
That we should ban all financial donations to Tasmanian political parties |
Fahan School 1 | The Friends' School 1
Southern Schools 2018 Grade Ten Round 1 |
Class 10 |
13 |
14 March 2018 |
S2018D9005 |
That we should ban poker machines from pubs and clubs |
St Michael's Collegiate 2 | The Hutchins School 1
Southern Schools 2018 Grade Nine Round 1 |
Class 9 |
3 |
14 March 2018 |
S2018D8005 |
That we should reduce the number of local councils in Tasmania |
Taroona High School 3 | Dominic College 1
Southern Schools 2018 Grade Eight Round 1 |
Class 8 |
7 |
26 July 2017 |
S2017DTSF2 |
That independent schools should not receive government funding |
St Michael's Collegiate 1 | Taroona High School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Ten Semi finals |
Class 10 |
6 |
5 July 2017 |
S2017D9GF1 |
That we should abolish the Commonwealth Games |
Ogilvie High School 1 | Taroona High School 2
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Nine Grand final |
Class 9 |
6 |
28 June 2017 |
S2017D9SF1 |
That all classes should be streamed according to academic ability |
Taroona High School 1 | Taroona High School 2
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Nine Semi finals |
Class 9 |
5 |
28 June 2017 |
S2017DNSF2 |
That students should receive academic credit for participation in after school sport |
Taroona High School 1 | Dominic College 1
Southern Schools 2017 Novice Semi finals |
Novice |
4 |
17 May 2017 |
S2017DT023 |
That criminal trials should be televised |
Ogilvie High School 1 | St Michael's Collegiate 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Ten Round 4 |
Class 10 |
3 |
17 May 2017 |
S2017D8018 |
That fines should be proportional to income |
St Michael's Collegiate 1 | Taroona High School 6
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Eight Round 4 |
Class 8 |
7 |
17 May 2017 |
S2017D8048 |
That fines should be proportional to income |
The Friends' School 2 | Dominic College 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Eight Round 4 |
Class 8 |
8 |
3 May 2017 |
S2017DT016 |
That an alliance with the United States is no longer in Australia's interests |
Taroona High School 1 | New Town High School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Ten Round 3 |
Class 10 |
1.5 |
3 May 2017 |
S2017D8013 |
That Australian troops should only defend Australia |
St Mary's College 1 | The Hutchins School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Eight Round 3 |
Class 8 |
1 |
3 May 2017 |
S2017D8043 |
That Australian troops should only defend Australia |
Ogilvie High School 1 | New Town High School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Eight Round 3 |
Class 8 |
3 |
5 April 2017 |
S2017DT011 |
That intensive fish farming is bad for Tasmania |
Ogilvie High School 2 | Taroona High School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Ten Round 2 |
Class 10 |
17 |
5 April 2017 |
S2017D8009 |
That we should only eat Australian grown food |
Taroona High School 5 | St Mary's College 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Eight Round 2 |
Class 8 |
3 |
5 April 2017 |
S2017D8039 |
That we should only consume meat from animals we have killed ourselves |
Taroona High School 1 | Ogilvie High School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Eight Round 2 |
Class 8 |
4 |
29 March 2017 |
S2017DC013 |
That there should be a tax on beef |
The Friends' School 1 | The Hutchins School 1
Southern Schools 2017 College Round 2 |
College |
8.5 |
29 March 2017 |
S2017D9009 |
That we should ban intensive animal farming |
Dominic College 1 | The Friends' School 2
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Nine Round 2 |
Class 9 |
9 |
29 March 2017 |
S2017DN013 |
That every household should have a vegetable garden |
The Friends' School 2 | The Hutchins School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Novice Round 2 |
Novice |
3 |
22 March 2017 |
S2017DT003 |
That homeschooling should be banned |
The Hutchins School 1 | Fahan School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Ten Round 1 |
Class 10 |
2.5 |
22 March 2017 |
S2017D8002 |
That smacking should be banned |
St Michael's Collegiate 1 | Taroona High School 4
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Eight Round 1 |
Class 8 |
3 |
22 March 2017 |
S2017D8032 |
That smacking should be banned |
The Friends' School 2 | Taroona High School 2
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Eight Round 1 |
Class 8 |
1 |
15 March 2017 |
S2017DC001 |
That we should implement parenting licences |
The Friends' School 3 | Hobart College 1
Southern Schools 2017 College Round 1 |
College |
2.5 |
15 March 2017 |
S2017D9003 |
That childcare should be free |
Clarence High School 1 | Taroona High School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Grade Nine Round 1 |
Class 9 |
12 |
15 March 2017 |
S2017DN003 |
That children should be paid to do chores |
St Mary's College 1 | Fahan School 1
Southern Schools 2017 Novice Round 1 |
Novice |
2 |
29 June 2016 |
S2016DTGF1 |
That parents should not be able to decline medical treatment for their children |
The Friends' School 1 | The Friends' School 2
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Ten Grand final |
Class 10 |
2 |
29 June 2016 |
S2016DNGF1 |
That advertisements for unhealthy products should not be permitted to target children |
Fahan School 1 | St Michael's Collegiate 2
Southern Schools 2016 Novice Grand final |
Novice |
-3 |
22 June 2016 |
S2016DTSF2 |
That songs with offensive lyrics should be banned |
St Michael's Collegiate 1 | The Friends' School 2
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Ten Semi finals |
Class 10 |
5 |
22 June 2016 |
S2016D8SF2 |
That graffiti should be legal |
Taroona High School 2 | St Mary's College 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Eight Semi finals |
Class 8 |
-1 |
22 June 2016 |
S2016DNSF2 |
That we should study fairy tales at school |
The Friends' School 1 | St Michael's Collegiate 2
Southern Schools 2016 Novice Semi finals |
Novice |
3 |
1 June 2016 |
S2016DC041 |
That political parties should allow their elected members a conscience vote on every issue |
The Friends' School 1 | Elizabeth College 3
Southern Schools 2016 College Round 6 |
College |
14 |
1 June 2016 |
S2016DN029 |
That the voting age should be lowered |
Ogilvie High School 1 | St Mary's College 1
Southern Schools 2016 Novice Round 6 |
Novice |
1 |
25 May 2016 |
S2016DT027 |
That we should put a price on carbon |
New Town High School 1 | The Friends' School 3
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Ten Round 5 |
Class 10 |
1 |
25 May 2016 |
S2016D9027 |
That access to national parks should be free |
St Mary's College 1 | The Friends' School 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Nine Round 5 |
Class 9 |
1 |
25 May 2016 |
S2016D8035 |
That we should build a cable car on Mount Wellington |
Fahan School 1 | St Mary's College 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Eight Round 5 |
Class 8 |
6 |
18 May 2016 |
S2016DC037 |
That developing countries should be exempt from global responses to climate change |
Guilford Young College 1 | The Friends' School 3
Southern Schools 2016 College Round 5 |
College |
9 |
11 May 2016 |
S2016DT020 |
That judges should be elected |
The Hutchins School 1 | New Town High School 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Ten Round 4 |
Class 10 |
5 |
11 May 2016 |
S2016D9019 |
That students should be held legally responsible for bullying if it results in the victim's death |
Mount Carmel College 1 | The Friends' School 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Nine Round 4 |
Class 9 |
6 |
11 May 2016 |
S2016D8023 |
That prisoners should be able to vote |
The Friends' School 2 | Ogilvie High School 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Eight Round 4 |
Class 8 |
1 |
4 May 2016 |
S2016DN019 |
That parents should be held responsible for crimes committed by their children |
Taroona High School 1 | Taroona High School 2
Southern Schools 2016 Novice Round 4 |
Novice |
1 |
4 May 2016 |
S2016DN046 |
That parents should be held responsible for crimes committed by their children |
Taroona High School 5 | The Friends' School 2
Southern Schools 2016 Novice Round 4 |
Novice |
2 |
27 April 2016 |
S2016D8021 |
That we should abolish the States |
The Hutchins School 2 | St Mary's College 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Eight Round 3 |
Class 8 |
1 |
27 April 2016 |
S2016D8019 |
That Tasmania should become a separate nation |
Fahan School 1 | Clarence High School 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Eight Round 3 |
Class 8 |
6 |
27 April 2016 |
S2016D9017 |
That we should ban flag burning |
Taroona High School 1 | St Mary's College 2
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Nine Round 3 |
Class 9 |
2 |
6 April 2016 |
S2016D9008 |
That parents should be required to enrol their sons and daughters in the same after school activities |
The Friends' School 1 | St Michael's Collegiate 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Nine Round 2 |
Class 9 |
4 |
30 March 2016 |
S2016DT012 |
That broadcasters should be required to cover women's and men's sport equally |
Taroona High School 1 | New Town High School 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Ten Round 2 |
Class 10 |
13 |
30 March 2016 |
S2016D9012 |
That we should abolish marriage |
Ogilvie High School 1 | St Mary's College 1
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Nine Round 2 |
Class 9 |
11 |
30 March 2016 |
S2016D8013 |
That we should ban beauty pageants |
St Michael's Collegiate 1 | The Hutchins School 2
Southern Schools 2016 Grade Eight Round 2 |
Class 8 |
4 |
23 March 2016 |
S2016DC016 |
That men should stay out of the feminist movement |
Elizabeth College 2 | The Friends' School 4
Southern Schools 2016 College Round 2 |
College |
5 |