Room 1 · Johanna Ellis

Start Finish Debate Grade Affirmative Negative Topic Outcome
6:30 PM 7:15 PM S2019DN057 Novice Corpus Christi Catholic School 1 St Michael's Collegiate 1 That religious festivals should not be public holidays Negative win
7:15 PM 8:00 PM S2019DN013 Novice Kingston High School 1 Ogilvie High School 1 Advised subject: Environment and urban planning: tourism This debate has not yet taken place
8:00 PM 9:30 PM S2019DC018 College St Michael's Collegiate 1 The Hutchins School 1 That feminists should campaign for quotas for women in the military Affirmative win

Room 2 · Isabella Jackson

Start Finish Debate Grade Affirmative Negative Topic Outcome
6:30 PM 7:15 PM S2019DN056 Novice St Aloysius Catholic College 1 Dominic College 1 Advised subject: Activism and social change: celebrating diversity Affirmative win by negative forfeit
7:15 PM 8:00 PM S2019DN014 Novice Rose Bay High School 2 The Hutchins School 1 Advised subject: Activism and social change: celebrating diversity Negative win by affirmative late forfeit
8:00 PM 9:30 PM S2019DC014 College Elizabeth College 3 Hobart College 1 Advised subject: Activism and social change: social movements Negative win by affirmative forfeit

Room 3 · John Hayton

Start Finish Debate Grade Affirmative Negative Topic Outcome
6:30 PM 7:15 PM S2019DN055 Novice Ogilvie High School 2 Taroona High School 1 Advised subject: Activism and social change: celebrating diversity Negative win by affirmative forfeit
7:15 PM 8:00 PM S2019DN015 Novice St Mary's College 1 The Friends' School 1 That school canteens should sell traditional foods from a variety of cultures Affirmative win
8:00 PM 9:30 PM S2019DC017 College Hobart College 2 The Friends' School 1 That feminists should campaign for quotas for women in the military Affirmative win

Room 4 · Vivian Imbriotis

Start Finish Debate Grade Affirmative Negative Topic Outcome
6:30 PM 7:15 PM S2019DN054 Novice Corpus Christi Catholic School 2 Clarence High School 2 That religious festivals should not be public holidays Negative win
7:15 PM 8:00 PM S2019DN016 Novice Taroona High School 2 New Town High School 1 That we should stop celebrating Harmony Day Negative win
8:00 PM 9:30 PM S2019DC016 College The Friends' School 2 Guilford Young College 1 Advised subject: Activism and social change: social movements Affirmative win by negative late forfeit

Room 5 · Reuben Mackey

Start Finish Debate Grade Affirmative Negative Topic Outcome
6:30 PM 7:15 PM S2019DN053 Novice Fahan School 1 Taroona High School 3 That religious festivals should not be public holidays Affirmative win
7:15 PM 8:00 PM S2019DN017 Novice St Michael's Collegiate 2 Clarence High School 1 That school canteens should sell traditional foods from a variety of cultures Affirmative win
8:00 PM 9:30 PM S2019DC013 College Elizabeth College 1 Elizabeth College 2 That movements for the liberation of oppressed groups should attempt to include and appeal to individuals outside those groups Negative win

Room 6 · Katie Parrott

Start Finish Debate Grade Affirmative Negative Topic Outcome
6:30 PM 7:15 PM S2019DN051 Novice The Friends' School 2 Rose Bay High School 1 That school canteens should sell traditional foods from a variety of cultures Affirmative win
7:15 PM 8:00 PM S2019DN018 Novice MacKillop Catholic College 1 Taroona High School 4 That school canteens should sell traditional foods from a variety of cultures Negative win