Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
6:30 PM | 7:20 PM | S2019D8046 | Class 8 | St Michael's Collegiate 2 | New Town High School 1 | Advised subject: Australian politics: young people and politics | Negative win by affirmative forfeit |
7:20 PM | 8:20 PM | S2019D8048 | Class 8 | Rose Bay High School 1 | Calvin Christian School 1 | Advised subject: Australian politics: young people and politics | Negative win by affirmative late forfeit |
8:20 PM | 9:30 PM | S2019DT035 | Class 10 | St Michael's Collegiate 1 | Taroona High School 1 | That there should be a third house of Federal Parliament for First Nations People | Affirmative win |
Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
6:30 PM | 7:20 PM | S2019D8049 | Class 8 | The Friends' School 2 | Taroona High School 1 | That we should reserve seats in Parliament for young people | Affirmative win |
7:20 PM | 8:20 PM | S2019D8047 | Class 8 | Taroona High School 5 | Taroona High School 3 | That we should reserve seats in Parliament for young people | Affirmative win |
8:20 PM | 9:30 PM | S2019DT039 | Class 10 | Clarence High School 1 | St Mary's College 1 | That political parties should be required to appoint members of minorities as their leaders | Negative win |
Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
7:20 PM | 8:20 PM | S2019D9029 | Class 9 | New Town High School 1 | The Friends' School 1 | That minor parties are bad for democracy | Affirmative win |
Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
6:30 PM | 7:20 PM | S2019D8042 | Class 8 | Taroona High School 6 | St Michael's Collegiate 1 | That we should reserve seats in Parliament for young people | Negative win |
7:20 PM | 8:20 PM | S2019D9030 | Class 9 | St Michael's Collegiate 2 | Clarence High School 1 | Advised subject: Australian politics: political parties | Negative win by affirmative forfeit |
8:20 PM | 9:30 PM | S2019DT036 | Class 10 | MacKillop Catholic College 1 | St Aloysius Catholic College 1 | That political parties should be required to appoint members of minorities as their leaders | Negative win |
Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
6:30 PM | 7:20 PM | S2019D8045 | Class 8 | Taroona High School 4 | The Friends' School 1 | That young people's votes should be worth more | Negative win |
7:20 PM | 8:20 PM | S2019D9031 | Class 9 | Taroona High School 2 | Taroona High School 3 | That we should abolish political parties | Negative win |
Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
6:30 PM | 7:20 PM | S2019D8043 | Class 8 | Taroona High School 2 | Ogilvie High School 1 | That we should reserve seats in Parliament for young people | Negative win |
7:20 PM | 8:20 PM | S2019D9033 | Class 9 | The Friends' School 2 | Dominic College 1 | That we should abolish political parties | Negative win |
8:20 PM | 9:30 PM | S2019DT037 | Class 10 | Taroona High School 2 | The Hutchins School 1 | That political parties should be required to appoint members of minorities as their leaders | Affirmative win |
Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
6:30 PM | 7:20 PM | S2019D8050 | Class 8 | The Hutchins School 1 | St Mary's College 1 | That young people's votes should be worth more | Affirmative win |
7:20 PM | 8:20 PM | S2019D9034 | Class 9 | Calvin Christian School 1 | Calvin Christian School 2 | That we should abolish political parties | Negative win |
8:20 PM | 9:30 PM | S2019DT033 | Class 10 | St Michael's Collegiate 2 | The Friends' School 1 | That political parties should be required to appoint members of minorities as their leaders | Affirmative win |
Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
7:20 PM | 8:20 PM | S2019D9035 | Class 9 | St Michael's Collegiate 1 | St Mary's College 1 | That we should abolish political parties | Negative win |
Start | Finish | Debate | Grade | Affirmative | Negative | Topic | Outcome |
6:30 PM | 7:20 PM | S2019D8041 | Class 8 | Ogilvie High School 2 | Dominic College 1 | Advised subject: Australian politics: young people and politics | Negative win by affirmative forfeit |