Only division [ladder]

Round 1

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
13 March 2024 8:20 PM Elizabeth College S2024DT002 St Michael's Collegiate 1 The Friends' School 2 That the Hottest 100 has done more harm than good
13 March 2024 8:20 PM Elizabeth College S2024DT003 The Friends' School 1 Clarence High School 1 That the Hottest 100 has done more harm than good
13 March 2024 8:20 PM Elizabeth College S2024DT004 MacKillop Catholic College 1 Hobart City High School 1 That the Hottest 100 has done more harm than good

Round 2

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
27 March 2024 8:20 PM The Hutchins School S2024DT005 MacKillop Catholic College 1 St Michael's Collegiate 1 That, where no party can form majority government after a Tasmanian election, a new election should automatically be held
27 March 2024 8:20 PM The Hutchins School S2024DT007 The Friends' School 2 The Friends' School 1 Advised subject: Tasmanian politics: the electoral system
27 March 2024 8:20 PM The Hutchins School S2024DT008 Clarence High School 1 Hobart City High School 1 That, where no party can form majority government after a Tasmanian election, a new election should automatically be held

Round 3

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
10 April 2024 8:20 PM Clarence High School S2024DT009 The Friends' School 1 MacKillop Catholic College 1 That we should repeal the Stage 3 tax cuts
10 April 2024 8:20 PM Clarence High School S2024DT010 Hobart City High School 1 St Michael's Collegiate 1 That Australia should attempt to become a tax haven
10 April 2024 8:20 PM Clarence High School S2024DT012 Clarence High School 1 The Friends' School 2 That we prefer charity to taxation

Round 4

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
8 May 2024 8:20 PM St Michael's Collegiate S2024DT013 MacKillop Catholic College 1 The Friends' School 2 That we would prefer a world where people had the ability to selectively remove their own memories
8 May 2024 8:20 PM St Michael's Collegiate S2024DT014 The Friends' School 1 Hobart City High School 1 That we would prefer a world where people had the ability to selectively remove their own memories
8 May 2024 8:20 PM St Michael's Collegiate S2024DT015 St Michael's Collegiate 1 Clarence High School 1 That we would prefer a world where people had the ability to selectively remove their own memories

Round 5

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
22 May 2024 8:20 PM St Mary's College S2024DT017 Hobart City High School 1 MacKillop Catholic College 1 That we should abandon all attempts to find extraterrestrial life
22 May 2024 8:20 PM St Mary's College S2024DT018 Clarence High School 1 St Michael's Collegiate 1 That we should abandon all attempts to find extraterrestrial life
22 May 2024 8:20 PM St Mary's College S2024DT019 The Friends' School 2 The Friends' School 1 Advised subject: Science and technology: space

Round 6

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
5 June 2024 8:20 PM Mount Carmel College S2024DT021 MacKillop Catholic College 1 Clarence High School 1 That, until we have achieved equality between men and women, men should be banned from running for political office
5 June 2024 8:20 PM Mount Carmel College S2024DT022 Hobart City High School 1 The Friends' School 2 Advised subject: Gender: women in politics
5 June 2024 8:20 PM Mount Carmel College S2024DT024 The Friends' School 1 St Michael's Collegiate 1 That we regret Julia Gillard's Prime Ministership

Finals division

Semi finals

Date Start Venue Debate Affirmative Negative Topic
3 July 2024 6:30 PM Elizabeth College S2024DTSF1 Hobart City High School 1 Clarence High School 1 Advised subject: Environment and urban planning: climate change and energy
31 July 2024 6:30 PM St Michael's Collegiate S2024DTSF2 St Michael's Collegiate 1 The Friends' School 1 Advised subject: Environment and urban planning: climate change and energy