Alex is also a debater. You may wish to look at his debater profile.

Average scores

# Matter Manner Method POI Total Rank
S* 12 29.92 30.75 14.42 -0.17 75.00 3.50
R* 2 15.75 15.25 7.50 38.50
1A 2 31.00 30.50 14.00 0.00 75.50 3.50
2A 2 30.00 30.50 14.50 -1.00 74.50 4.00
3A 2 31.00 31.00 15.00 0.00 77.00 1.00
RA 1 16.00 15.50 7.50 39.00
1N 2 28.50 31.00 14.50 0.00 74.00 4.50
2N 2 29.00 30.50 14.00 0.00 73.50 5.50
3N 2 30.00 31.00 14.50 0.00 75.50 2.50
RN 1 15.50 15.00 7.50 38.00


Date Debate Topic Affirmative Negative Round Rules Margin
17 August 2022 S2022DC021 That, if it were possible and would operate without any technical difficulties, we would choose to live in a simulation in which it was impossible to experience suffering St Michael's Collegiate 1 Hobart College 1 Southern Schools 2022 College Round 5 College 2
17 August 2022 S2022DN019 That ethics should be a compulsory school subject MacKillop Catholic College 1 Dominic College 1 Southern Schools 2022 Novice Round 5 Novice 7

Accreditation history

Level Valid from Valid to
Level 1 14 March 2021 12:03 PM Does not expire